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We unapologetically proclaim that we are Christian and that each subject (math, science, english, art, PE, etc..) is taught from that worldview. We profess and proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord, and we follow His teachings.

Rigorously CLASSICAL

Our classical curriculum is primarily through Memoria Press, a tried and tested curriculum that goes from PK to 12th grade.  This creates a consistent, academically rigorous and fluid educational experience.


Our tuition is surprisingly low compared to other private, Christian schools in the area. We are finalizing the acceptance of Florida state scholarships (i.e. Step Up, etc..); however, we currently do not accept them.


Classes are only offered Tuesday through Friday with full and half days. Mondays are considered a mental health / rest days.

Low to no HOMEWORK

We have built into our daily schedules time to complete all assignments so that our students can ideally return home without busy work other than studying for assessments. 

Teacher to

Class sizes matter. As a new educational alternative we have more time to devote one-on-one to each student. As we grow our goal is to keep the our student to teacher ratio around 16:1.

Make every effort (labor, study, endure) to present yourself approved to God, an unashamed workman (a worker for hire) who accurately handles (cuts straight, holds a straight course) the word of truth. - 2 Timothy 2:15

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